
Are You Still Looking For “The One”?

“He’s the one for me” “He’s my soulmate” “He’s different from other men out there” “He’s my dream man” “He has something that I couldn’t find in any other men” “I want him for the rest of my life” These are the kinds of words that I used to always say when someone came into […]


Change Your Mind, Change Your Relationships

“My relatives are the greatest challenge I have in achieving my dreams” That was an affirmation that I repeatedly told myself. I used to be a very private person, especially with my relatives. I was extremely selective about who I shared about myself, my feelings with. I felt more comfortable keeping it to myself, rather […]


Becoming Magnetic and Desirable

How you look, what’s your age, or where you come from, you can be magnetic and desirable to anyone. In this article, I’m going to show you how. So, keep reading! If you’ve ever thought that becoming magnetic and desirable has to do with looks or physical appearance, let me share my story with you. […]


How To Create Your Perfect Future

There is one promise that I will make to you: I will help you change your entire life with this article by showing you how you can create your perfect future. I guarantee you that your life is going to change the moment you implement what I share with you in this article. Okay, let’s […]


How Being Multilingual Changed My Life

¡Hola a todos! Bienvenido de nuevo a mi artículo. Di artikel ini aku akan berbagi tentang bagaimana bahasa sudah mengubah hidupku dan juga sedikit tips tentang bagaimana kalian dapat belajar bahasa sendiri secara gratis. Because learning languages is one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made in my life. 开始吧! Would you believe me […]


Change Your Life Overnight

Would you believe me if I told you that you can have anything that you’ve ever wanted in just a short period of time? It’s interesting how our minds have been programmed to believe that we need approximately 5-15 years or even more of hard work to acquire the things we want in life, this […]


Success is not about hard work. Here’s Why.

I’ve always wondered this: why are certain people extremely successful while others are not? I always ask myself why there are so many incredibly talented people with so much potential in themselves but who are struggling to achieve what they want in life. Why certain people find it easier to make a lot of money, […]


To Anyone Losing Friends and Feeling Lonely

Have you ever felt that as we grow older, we lose more and more friends? We miss that moment when it’s so easy to make friends and spend boring days with our friends. Play games together, binge-watch a TV series, explore a new city, wear matching outfits, shopping, have coffee dates, late-night talks, or just […]


4 Habits That Changed My Life In 2022

In this article, I want to share with you about four habits that changed my life in 2022. These are four habits that made me happier, healthier, peaceful as well as more productive. If you prefer to watch the YouTube video, make sure to click that play button now! Or continue reading if you prefer […]


What I Learned From 5 Years of Dating

Being in 5 years of dating teach me plenty of life, love, and personal lessons. It changed me and made me a better person. Even though some relationships don’t really work out in the end, I never think that being in a relationship is a waste of time. Because you don’t meet anyone by accident. […]